Blog & SEO copywriting

Writing that converts

SEO Blog Writing

Blogs are a fantastic way to engage with your audience and establish your expertise while building brand awareness.

Blogs that are informative and unique are one of the best ways to increase your online visibility to potential customers by telling your brand story and showcasing your unique service or product.


Benefits of Blogs

Build your Brand


Increased Website Traffic

Creates Content

Increase Email Subscribers


A Builds reputation as a trustworthy expert in your industry and boosts your authority and credibility.

A  Blogs drive more traffic to your website through improved SEO – meaning that Google shows your website more potential customers in searches.

Blogs improve SEO in multiple ways – providing new relevant content, creating more pages for Google to index and by allowing you to target specific keywords.

A Create content for Social Media Posts, e-newsletters.  Repurposing blogs provide more power- allowing you to send the  information in different formats on different channels.

A Provide an opportunity for new customers to subscribe to your email list.


Millions of blog posts are published on the internet every day. 

You need to stand out from the crowd and get the clicks from your target audience your blogs should have:

9 Quality, unique content

9 Epic headlines- a great title will help “sell” your blog

9 Keywords creatively woven into the blog text.

9 Visually appealing, easy-to-scan text

But….. writing blogs is time-consuming.

Z Are you struggling to update your blog posts regularly?

Z Do you know what you need to say but are unsure how to write it?

Z Need help improving your blogs SEO?

Z Need help with writing your blogs in English?

Z Have you run out of blogging ideas?

This is where I can help.

We will collaborate closely so that I can understand your business, audience and vision.

I use the latest SEO techniques to create engaging and sharable blogs that appeal to your audience.

My SEO Blog Copywriting Services include:

Keyword Research

Analysis of keywords to ensure we target the best Google search terms

SEO Copywriting

Writing the words to appeal to your audience & Google

Headlines, Title Tag & Meta Descriptions

Ensuring what is displayed in search results gets you the ‘clicks’


Includes two rounds of revisions and proofreading.

Are you ready to collaborate?

Learn more about my background, qualifications and experience

Other Services

Website Copywriting

Compelling reader-friendly copywriting that converts and SEO keyword analysis.                                    

Content Copywriting

Unique, informative and interesting content that builds trust and credibility.     

Proofreading & Editing

Ensure that your documents are consistent and free of grammatical, spelling and linguistic errors.