Business Writing

English Business Writing Services for Businesses Who Think BIG


You need to create a great first impression.

English Words Business Writing Services  will ensure that you can market your Business worldwide.

I aim to help Austrian and German small businesses ensure their content appeals to English-speaking audiences.

I create professional documents for small businesses.

R Native English-speaking copywriter

R Based in Austria

Are you?

Z  A business based in Austria, Germany or another non-English speaking country

Z A business who want to attract international clients

Z You don’t have an in-house professional native-English-speaking Business Writing Service.

Z You have content that has been translated into English but it needs fine-tuning and adaptation


Clients expect high-quality English Content.  Businesses that can communicate in English are viewed as professional and trustworthy.

Ensure you do not damage your reputation.

Don’t miss out on profitable business opportunities because of  poor English content.


Business Writing Services

If you want to be competitive in the international English-speaking business community, you need:

Professional English-written Content:  If the content reads like a bad Google Translate, customers are less likely to trust you and buy your product or service.

Written concisely and understandable:  The impact of the words matters- using the correct vocabulary and ensuring that complex concepts are written clearly and understood by the audience.

Correct Tone:  Ensure that your business communications convey the correct message to your audience.

Persuasive: Business writing that influences your potential clients to buy your product or service.

Fact Sheets, Capability Statements, White Papers.

LinkedIn profiles and posts, Resumes. Cover Letters and Job Advertisements

Business Websites

Your website is your online Shop.

It is not enough to only have a Facebook Business page. Customers expect a professional website.

Today, having a company website is as crucial as having a shop, office or telephone number. Research has found that 6/10 customers expect brands to have a website. 

R A website promotes your business 24/7 to potential clients worldwide.

R A website offers Credibility. There is an expectation for any reputable business to have a website.

R Websites are often the first point of contact for customers.

I ensure your customers find your business (amongst the millions of others) using the latest SEO techniques and inspiring copy and professionalism that gives potential customers trust in your products or services.

Do you ?

Have only a Facebook page and would like to have a professional website that appeals to English-speaking customers?

Need an English version of your website

Learn more about Website  Copywriting 

Business Blog SEO Copywriting

Inspire and Inform

Creating regular content will build your reputation as a trustworthy expert and help you stand out from your competition.

Blogs that are informative and unique are one of the best ways to increase your online visibility to potential customers by telling your brand story and showcasing your products and services.

Why Blogs are important for businesses.

  • improve your SEO traffic and drive more visits to your website.
  • provide an opportunity for readers to subscribe to your email list.
  • Create content that can be used on  Social Media 

 Click here to learn more about Blog Copywriting and how it can help your business.

Corporate Writing

I write professional corporate documents for businesses, including Fact Sheets, Capability Statements, Case Studies, White Papers and Annual Reports.

Fact Sheets:  Provide essential information about a product or service for your customers.

Capability Statements:  The Resume for your business. Capability Statements provide shareholders with information about what your business can do.

Case Studies:  Demonstrates your business’s authority and expertise.  Case Studies demonstrate how your business’s products/services solved a customer’s problem using real-world specifics. It is a ‘Customer Success Story’.

White Papers:  White Papers are authoritative, persuasive reports that use facts and logic to promote a product, service or opinion.  White Papers are academic reports that are written in a formal style, are highly researched and often include technical data.

Annual Reports: A document provided to your shareholders highlighting your company’s activities and performance during the previous year, future goals and objectives.



Business Employment and Recruitment Writing

Apply for better jobs- Find the right employee – with the Right Words.

I create professional documents for employers, employees and recruitment agencies.


LinkedIn Profiles and Posts

LinkedIn is the largest professional network providing access across the global market.
To reap the benefits of LinkedIn, you need high-quality content written in English.

Make an excellent FIRST impression  networking with

  • business opportunities
  • potential customers
  • potential employers
  • potential employees

Profiles:  It is hard to write about yourself. I compose personally crafted profiles that highlight your expertise, achievements and personality.

Posts: LinkedIn posts require you to maximise your impact in fewer words.  I compose click-worthy headlines and interesting and informative content that will appeal to your network connections.

Resumes, Cover Letters, and Job ads


Ensure that your employment and recruitment documents are written to present you in the best light and appeal to your potential English-speaking employers or employees.


Proofreading and Editing

First Impressions count

Business is highly competitive.  It is important that your business has high-quality English Content to ensure you do not damage your reputation.

Do you have

  • Content is written in-house and needs a professional English Proofreader and Editor to check it
  • Content that has been translated into English but it needs fine-tuning and adaptation for English-speaking customers?

I ensure your business content is fine-tuned, checking vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation and consistency.

Ensure your words make a maximum impact.

My Proofreading and Editing services ensure that your  content is

  • well written with correct vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
  • is readable, has a logical flow of information, the message is clear, and the structure is correct. 
  • is consistent and matches your Brand Style Guide
  • optimised for SEO

 Find out more about Proofreading and Editing Services 

Who am I?

Hi, I am Dr Tammy Ellis, a native English-speaking Copywriter.

I am originally from Canada, lived in Australia, and I  live in the beautiful Austrian Alps.


I have diverse experience across academia, professional services, small business, technology start-ups and not-for-profit.


I am a professional SEO copywriter providing copywriting, proofreading and editing services to Austrian and German businesses who want to improve their marketing to the English-speaking global markets.


Are you ready to collaborate?

Learn more about my background, qualifications and experience